My Weight Loss story

Hello All,
Before you read this , I would kindly request all viewers to read the whole story as it will give you an idea of my sufferings from a tender age and how i recovered from them.
Lets start with my premedical conditions :

  • I was diagnosed with Peptic ulcer when I was 15. 
  • I was also a patient of chronic migraine and high BP. 
(Just to shed some light on ulcers: there are 2 types a) Duodenal Ulcer
                                                                             b) Peptic Ulcer.
Duodenal ulcer can be operated and the recurrence of the same ulcer is rare but in case of peptic ulcer it keeps on increasing.
The above picture should be a good example. These ulcers keeps on increasing. You suffer a lot, pain is unbearable, you tend to become weak. Food restrictions keeps you away from a free life.)
As you can understand Hospitals became my second home. Before I was 18 I have gone through endoscopy at least 4-5 times. 
With all these I started my graduation in Pharmacy from a famous college in Bangalore away from my hometown Kolkata. Hospital was second home here also. 
Then in 2005 I was gifted with another problem-Epilepsy. One fine night while having dinner with family I had seizures. This resulted in the intake of psychiatric drugs like Oxetol xr and Oxetol 900mg. These drugs gave me another lifetime disease PCOD-Polycystic Ovarian Disease.

This hampered my menstration cyle completely and then I was suggested another medicine which I needed to take 10 tabs(Deviry 10mg) every month to get my cycles. After consuming for 10 days I had to wait for a max. of 2 weeks to get my periods. The normal cycles became a forgotten chapter. Pain was tremendous which we call Dysmenorrhoea. I suffered from all these problems for 9 years. Gradually Epilepsy got cured but the gyaenocological problem remained as it was supposed to- it is a lifetime disease. Then in 2011 we moved to pune, sufferings were tremendous, jobs were at stake.....Last year around July the problem became so tremendous and pain so unbearable I had to be admitted in the hospital. It was a renowned hospital which I have been visiting after moving to Pune as my problems were chronic. In July after almost a year the senior most doctor was surprised to hear that I have been consuming Deviry since the last 9 years and to add to our shock I could have died of Liver Failure and the most shocking part no one in this hospital also paid heed to the fact that I have been consuming Deviry since the last 9 years. No doctors asked me to stop it be it in Bangalore, Kolkata or Pune. 
I was asked to stop Deviry immediately , I was put on a different hormone tablet but the suffering never stopped. Then as I mentioned before the pain became so huge I got admitted. I was taken for an internal scan which increased my pain more than one could bear as the doctor was negligent and I was injure badly inside. This put me to bed for several days at least  for a month and a half. Now it was time for us to change our apartment, we moved to a new society. We came to know of one more gynaecologist - we decided to give it a try. A couple of tests were done and it was found that the Prolocatin hormone in me was in excess in comparison to the nornal levels. I was given 8 tabs twice a week for a month. The test were redone and hollah!!! the hormone levels were normal now but I was severely warned to loose weight drastically around 15 kgs in 3 months to make my life normal else issues will persist and can increase again. 
I had put on a lot of weight because of the psychiatric drugs and the hormone tablets which I had to take for so many years. 

This is when my neighbour in my new apartment told me about a miracle weight loss programme. We were a little hesitant before as I had tried several ways to reduce weight before , which includes dieting, walking, exercise etc. After trying all these still I was.....

 Moreover becoz of my complexions my family was also not sure if I should take it. We decided to show the products to my gynaecologist. We took the products to her, showed her and her reply was " You can take it, very scientific, safe and no side effects and very effective too".

Thanks to my doctor and my neighbour I started a very simple regime with that programme and within a week I lost 2.5 kgs. That added more spirit in me , I and my family thought that there is still light ahead. The programme continued and now after almost 2 months I have lost 11kgs weight and my waistline reduced by 4-5 inches. I was a living capsule before I started this programme and now I am free of all medication, medical & doctors expenses have gone down to ZERO. I feel as fresh as anything, 10 times younger, no gastric pain, no acidity , cycles are regular without any medicines , hormone levels are normal , no headache, skin texture have improved a lot too. 

Now my readers you all might be thinking by now what is this miraculous weight loss programme which stopped my suffering for 9 years in a span of 2 months......This life saver for me is none other than HERBALIFE

Just click on the link and you will enter the magic world of HERBALIFE which changed my life, which changed my family life, my husband is able to do his jobs properly , I have become self confident now and have started earning too which I couldn't becoz of my chronic issues. 

Tons of thanks to Herbalife that we have started our own biz with herbalife and we are sharing our journey to all. 

I welcome all viewers/friends/relatives to think again about their health once again after all HEALTH IS WEALTH. 
Herbalife can help any obese person loose weight the right way and by giving proper nutrients to the body. It saves one from crash diet, no liposuction, no bariatric surgery. 
Come join us in our drive against Obesity, risk of heart attack, arthritis and what not. Underweight people are more than welcome as we help you to increase weight according to your height.
Feel free to reach us at 8149614780 or drop in an email with your contact details to / or just join us with my id W2291738.



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